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Could Your Minor Rear Collision Have Hidden Damage

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Could Your Minor Rear Collision Have Hidden Damage?

You’ve heard of people knocking bumpers and once both parties agree there is no damage they go on their way. They don’t even exchange insurance information. This is a bad idea.

When you are in a collision, always exchange insurance information, no matter how minor or non-existent the damage may appear. Rear-end collision damage can’t always be spotted on the exterior of the car. Always let a collision center determine if damage has occurred.

Types of Hidden Rear-End Collision Damage

Much like your body, your car has many different systems that are required for it to fully operate. These systems can be found throughout your car, including the rear. Hidden damage comes in many forms.

  • Your car’s frame could be bent.
  • Electrical wiring required for your tail and brake lights can become loose. 
  • Your car’s alignment could become misaligned.
  • Transmission components can be damaged.
  • Your trunk may not function properly.

No matter how small the impact, have your car inspected for rear-end collision damage.

Filing a Claim

Even before your car is inspected by the rear end shop, you should go ahead and call the insurance company to get a claim started. If it turns out there is damage, there will be no question that the damage was caused by the impact.

An insurance adjuster will visit your car in the collision shop to assess the cost of the damage. The adjuster will then provide that information to the insurance company and you. The insurance company will then pay out the value of the claim to you.

If you weren’t at fault in the collision, you won’t pay any out of pocket expenses for the cost of the repair. When a police report is filed in a rear-end collision, the majority of the time the fault lies with the owner of the vehicle that caused the rear end damage.

Avoiding Collisions in the Future

Rear-end collisions can almost always be avoided. Ensure you’re never found at fault for rear-end collision damage by practicing defensive driving techniques.

  • Always follow other cars at a safe distance and speed.
  • Don’t drive when you’re impaired from substances or have taken a new medication. 
  • Slow down in construction zones and heavy traffic. 
  • Keep your phone out of sight so you aren’t distracted. 

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of accident. Rear-end collision damage is one of the most hidden forms of damage. Always take the right steps by involving insurance and police.